Advanced Digital Solutions intends to use its implanted RFID (radio frequency identification) VeriChips as a method of payment at the upcoming ID World 2003 in Paris, France. ADS claims that Veripay could end problems of identity theft and make it impossible to lose your credit card.
The technology has two parts; a small chip the size of a rice grain that is surgically implanted in the user, and a radio frequency reader device that activates and provides power to the implanted device. These devices have been in use for almost a decade in a variety of devices; ADS is the first to announce the use of implanted chips to make financial payments.
Of course, science fiction readers are aware that the use of these chips as credit card devices was proposed by Neal Stephenson in his 1995 novel The Diamond Age; see implanted credit card.
Privacy advocates are skeptical (at best) of the proposed use of this technology in human beings. Beth Given, of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (San Diego, CA) stated
"If we establish a robust credit card network based on RFID chips implanted under the skin, we are also creating the infra-structure for potential government surveillance."
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